Cork 2022

Supported by IRFU

Men’s Tournament
IMART 2022 was the biggest tournament to date with 24 men’s teams competing for the overall Winners Trophy as well as the much-coveted Spirit of Trophy. Each team played 6 games in total with lots of time for everyone to get involved. The Host Sundays Well Rebels (Ireland) won the Winner’s trophy defeating the Oshawa Vikings (Canada), whereas Incluindus (Spain) was awarded the Spirit of Rugby Trophy.

Watch IMART 2022 Men’s Final

Women’s Tournament
IMART 2022 was thrilled to host the first-ever Women’s Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament. This included teams from Ireland, Spain, and the Italian Harlequeens Latinas (with players from Ecuador and Argentina!) that battled it out for pole position in a round robin tournament format, with additional participating players coming from England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada! El Salvador (Spain) won the first ever MA women’s world cup against Harlequeens Latina (Italy. Ecuador, Argentina), and Union Clan Almeria brought home the Spirit of Mixed Ability Trophy.

Watch IMART 2022 Women’s Final