What is Mixed Ability?
Mixed Ability Rugby
Real Inclusion in action
IMAS, the driving force behind IMART, is championing the Mixed Ability Model using it to break down barriers to participation in sport, promote social inclusion and generate long-term positive change in our communities.
Mixed Ability Rugby grew organically from a lack of provision for disabled participants to play rugby. Players with and without physical and learning disabilities began playing in the same 15 a side rugby game abiding by World Rugby Laws.
Mixed Ability emphasises regular, frequent and sustainable activities, self-determination, full membership of grassroots clubs and opportunities for social interaction for all.
Mixed Ability teams are “just another team” in the club!
For more information please visit mixedabilitysports.org

Who are IMAS? An animated introduction

What is Mixed Ability?
Patrick spent his childhood standing on the side lines with me watching his brothers play. I never thought I would see the day that he would line out on a rugby field against his brother.
Parent of Rebels player Patrick O’Flynn
When the Mixed Ability team started in Sunday’s Well I was sceptical about its success. 5 years on and at 48 years of age I’m still packing the gear on a Friday and heading to training. The positive effect it has on the guys with disabilities is contagious. I’ve never played on a team that stayed this tight for so long. The bond between players of a wide variety of abilities and ages is amazing.
Sundays Well Rebels player
For Ronan the Rebels is a place to belong and to be just another rugby player like everyone else. For Aileen it gives her a chance to support her son playing for his club like every mother wishes. For the family we are just a typical rugby family supporting the team that belongs to us and that is priceless to us!
Parent of Rebels player Ronan O’Reilly

Societal Change
After 30 years away from rugby, participating in the IRC Mixed Ability team has given me the possibility of reconnecting not only with the game I love, but with old teammates. It has also allowed me to explore other areas that I wasn’t comfortable with before: like coaching people with disabilities. I feel very fulfilled contributing my knowledge and experience to help people integrate into this society that has made things so difficult for them. I’m getting so much from everyone, so much more than I could have imagined when I started!
My start in rugby was fast, I had only started a few months that I was lucky enough to travel to Cork, Ireland, to play IMART 2022. That gave me more confidence in myself and taught me to trust others. I realised that there are still people who need rugby because in Mixed Ability rugby there are no barriers. We all deserve a place and to feel important.